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We said the body is made of cells. What was conceived as a single cell proliferated as multi cells and formed as tissues and shaped differently as organs! For the organs to function there are systems regulated by hormones and energised by enzymes, vitamins and micro nutrients. This is how the 3T Machine is made and is functioning.

Anything that comes has to go. Anything that has been created will vanish. This is law of nature. Nothing and nobody can escape from this law. So the ‘cell of the body’ also has to vanish one day. That day we call it as ‘death’. This means when the cells die, organs don’t die, but functions die. When organs don’t work they will deteriorate and have no more use of them. 
Death happens to a person only once. It’s not an everyday occurrence. You can’t have an experience of death. That would be a costly experience. This is nature. But in reality,


There is a default mechanism designed by the Engineer who created the human 3T Machine. By this, cells have been ‘programmed’ to die at a particular time and interval. As per law when cells die we also have to die. But we don’t. Because there is another mechanism by which when cells die, newer cells are getting ‘birth’ simultaneously to compensate the dead ones. This natural death of cells is called the process of ‘Apoptosis’. You can call the process as ‘cellular suicide’. Approximately 50 to 70 billion cells ‘die every day’ and new ones formed.

For e.g. life of taste bud cells is approximately 12 to 15 days. They have to die in that duration. Otherwise after 15 days sweet chocolate will taste as bitter gourd! And bitter gourd will taste as chocolate! This is just to make us understand the concept.
If this Apoptosis mechanism fails, cells which have been ‘programmed to die’ will continue to survive and keep proliferating. This uncontrolled proliferation of cells is known as ‘Cancer’. These ‘guys’ don’t follow any ‘traffic rules of the body’ and keep moving anywhere at their will and cause good cells also to become ‘cancerous’. When more cells of the body become cancerous there is utter chaos and confusion inside the body leading to a serious ‘traffic logjam’ and ultimately no cell can function. Lastly the body will bid final ‘adieu’.

Medicines, Apoptosis & Ganoderma
Apoptosis inducing anti-cancer medicines have serious side effects causing damage to good cells also. The nature’s great gift to mankind GANODERMA has in it biologically active materials that play a very important role in promoting the process of ‘Apoptosis’ without side effects so that,

We will learn about that in the coming blogs. Until then keep consuming GANODERMA DAILY

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We  are  likening  our  body  to  an  auto  mobile  so that it’s easy to understand the structure and functioning of the body.

We have seen that there are 4 functions like :
D A R E (Digestion, Assimilation, Respiration and Elimination), 3 Cycles, and so on. 

A member of my team asked me, 

I told him, 

He became curious. 

I asked him, 

He said,  

I told him, 

He was perplexed. He told me,

I told him, 

The human 3T Car is capable of producing many cars similar to it.

Ability to procreate is another major function of our body. That requires both the partners to be healthy in mind and body. Toxins in both these areas can offset the possibility of the couple not getting their generation extended.

Excluding any organ related difficulties, if the functional problems are the reason for not conceiving, then the solution lies in removing those toxins which are the stumbling block for getting a child. Such functional imbalances may be seen later.

Until then, 
to produce another car, 
keep your car in perfect condition.

Be careful not to flood the nation
With too many cars!
That may create shortage of precious raw materials for the existing cars and create more toxins and diseases.

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We said that the body is endowed with both Mind and Intelligence. This is universal and every human being has them. However, it’s up to each individual to develop his own D I (Discreet Intelligence). Discreet Intelligence is also known as Creative Intelligence

Every cell of our body has this Creative Intelligence. With this God given Creative Intelligence each cell can Think, Talk and Treat it. 

Immunity we will discuss a little later. Talking is by signals; that’s what the body’s telephone number 192019208 is. Thinking is by Actions. Actions of the body may be many, but amongst them 3 major Cycles play a very important role for good health.

3 Major Cycles
There are 3 major cycles in our body. Of them one functions all the 24 hours; another when there is an input given; and the third one has a limited action of a few hours.
Cycle 1: Breathing Cycle
This is a 24-hour cycle. Even a few seconds beyond one’s capacity to hold will cost his life. In this cycle the body’s vital force Oxygen goes inside and the used up Oxygen (O2) is removed as Carbon dioxide (CO2). Lungs which carry both O2 and CO2 need to be free of toxins. Otherwise there will be problems in the intake and the discharge. So it needs a capacity. This is known as Vital Capacity (VC). This is measured by the maximum amount of air you discharge after a good intake of oxygen. After such a discharge, there will still be some amount of oxygen left in the lungs. This is known as Residual Volume (RV). For our understanding this much is sufficient. This breathing cycle is done by the cells involved in this activity.
Cycle 2: Digestive Cycle
Apart from air, we need food and water for energy. The cooked or raw food eaten has to be smashed and converted into absorbable form. This process is Digestion; the digested food has to be joined to the system and this is known as Assimilation. What is not assimilated has to be removed and this is known as Elimination. Altogether the cycle is known as Digestive Cycle. To carry out this process there are 3 chambers.
1. Mixer Chamber – stomach - (like mixer in your kitchen). It mixes all the food, crushes them and sends them down 
2. Absorption Chamber – Small Intestine – this will filter materials received from the mixer above and sends them for assimilation 
3. Elimination Chamber – Large Intestine – this will remove what has not been assimilated

This cycle continues irrespective of what you do the whole day.

Cycle 3: Sleep Cycle
The 3T Machine also needs rest like your car or bike. Therefore the Creative Intelligence of the body automatically switches on to take rest and this is known as Sleep. This also has a pattern, like Sleep Stages 1, 2, 3, 4 & REM (Rapid Eye Movement). 

So the Creative Intelligence of the body can function well and do its own given duty properly maintaining all the important cycles when there are no obstructions. 

These obstructions can come in the form of toxins either by toxins from food, water and air or the ones produced by the mind.

When toxins load increase, 
instead of Cycles there will be 
Cyclone in the body 
Once Cyclone hits, 
you can’t be at home
You have to shift from your residence to a safer place
And that is, the hospital

We have to decide. Do we want to keep our cycle going fine all through our life or shift our residence to clinics, hospitals and so on?

Do we want to eat food or medicines?

Our Discreet Intelligence says,
Reduce toxins load and be healthy

Is there any medicine that can reduce the day to day toxin load?
No! Only Nature provides such materials. Amongst them 
the best known is

We will see that in due course.
Until then keep your 3 cycles 
going well.
Don’t get caught in a Cyclone.

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We have seen that Mind is a monkey. It keeps jumping from Positive Ego Tree to Negative Ego Tree; but never remains static. That’s why because of the dictate of the Monkey Mind we tailor our behaviour. At any given moment our behaviour is shaped based on which tree the Monkey (mind) is sitting. If it is Positive Tree our behaviour is positive and if it’s the Negative tree our behaviour is negative. We have seen their characteristics in the previous blog. Then the question comes as to,

Why some are always positive and many are negative?

To tame the Monkey Mind there is in each of us what is called Intelligence. Which part of the body is it located; in the same part where the mind is located. When the mind goes wayward, it is the Intelligence that controls and brings it back to normalcy. 

If Intelligence can control the mind then why are many people negative in behaviour? Is not intelligence working for them? There is a difference between Mind and Intelligence. 

Discreet Intelligence - D I
Simply ask a question, “Can milk float in water” The instant answer is NO. It can be miscible with water, but not float on water. However, there is something in the milk which can make the milk float on water. Yes! If you churn the milk, you will get butter. Butter can float on water.

What is Discreet Intelligence?
Oxford Dictionary says, it’s Guarded, Tactful, Careful, Cautious, Restrained, Soft and so on. When our behaviour is based on the Discreet Intelligence, many a time our behaviour will be positive. The more our behaviour is positive; we will create an environment that is positive around us.
Stress & D I
As we said earlier, Stress is a set of Toxin that’s produced by the Mind and contributes to ill health. Anti-stress medicines are habit forming and have plenty of side effects.

We already get toxins from food, air and water. Of course they are injected from outside into the body and we have very little control over them. But Stress related toxins are produced from inside our body but we can control them. How to do it?

I can’t tell the process of churning here, as that is beyond the scope of this blog.

In the 18th century Shakespeare said,

Discretion is the better part of Valour 


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