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The year 2000! It was when DXN set its foot in India. That’s when I too joined the DXN family.

I was told that Ganoderma works for not one health issue, but multiple. From Allergy to Zoster (Herpes) it can be used!

Prima facie I couldn’t accept and believe. Such empirical statements didn’t appeal to me. They may be good for creating some hype about a product. But for confident consumption and effective promotion such stale statements don’t work. As a professionally trained medical marketer for over 30 years, my curiosity was to know fully about the product, its functioning, course correction properties, ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions), concentration at sites (organs), dosing, duration, starting age for consumption, safety during pregnancy, cross chemical reactions with drugs, side effects and so on. When I asked about the mode of action in the human body, the curt reply was,

These were statements not from some ordinary person, but from qualified medical doctors.
They were honest in their statements though. But they were getting positive results in their patients on clinical examination!

Patients suffering from asthma for years on end, using multiple medicines had reported classical asthmatic symptoms disappearing; patient did not have nocturnal (night time) wheezing, quality sleep improvement and so on.

Patients with severe joint pain reported that they were able to climb the stairs with much ease without considerable pain.

People with constipation saying they had better bowel movements.

Patients with migraine saying their frequency of attack were reduced and they experienced spaced episodes of attack.

Some ladies reported change in their irregular monthly periods.

The list was increasing.
Like I was curious to know more on the subject, these doctors also became curious as they were getting results, but did not know how.

 Everyone started to learn. So did I.

14 years are over in India for DXN Ganoderma. Today we can share the knowledge with everyone as to how, and what in Ganoderma works in the human body.
Are you ready to learn?
It will benefit you and through you to so many people.
It will be a great service you will do to people.

 Are you ready to serve?

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Heaven's Gift for the Earth's Man

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3T Machine - Summation

To understand clearly an unknown or difficult subject, the technique of relating it to something which we already know, is used in many a situation. By the same technique we compared our body to an automobile. 
Mobility is common between the automobile and our body. We named it as 3T Machine, meaning Thinking, Talking and Treating machine.

Raw Materials

Whilst automobile needs multiple materials to make it as a functional one, our body is made with just one raw material called “CELL”. The same single cell multiplied and developed 

as various organs, blood, bones and muscles and to regulate the “mobility”, systems, hormones and enzymes got established. 
To indicate various activities there are signals which we termed as Body’s Telephone number :


We learnt about D A R E (DigestionAssimilation, Respiration and Elimination) and their Cycles. If proper cycle is not maintained there will be Cyclone in the body. 
Therefore systematic functioning of the cycles is very important for maintaining good health. 

Security Guards

To protect the body there is an in-built defence mechanism called “Immune System”. They are 
known as “T4 & B” immune cells. Their effectiveness is paramount for good health. The “Apoptosis” mechanism of triggering “Natural Death of Cells” ensures healthy growth of newer cells and automatic flushing out of older ones, while maintaining the life throughout.


How and why it happens and detailed information were discussed. We also left a question as to what materials Ganoderma has that can help in the management of Cancer. 

These are the outline Summation of whatever we have discussed thus far. For detailed study of each subject you may go the relevant blog posts.

Curtains Drawn

With this, curtains will close on the subject of

But curtains will be raised from the next blog to see the Power and Functioning of the 
Great Gift of God to Humans

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By now you should be having a fair view of cancer, its metastasis, apoptosis and the like. From that view we will deduce the following:

Cancer Management
Here we are not discussing the treatment options. That is not our domain. Apart from treatment options we can explore the following:

What role Ganoderma has on all these? 

Are there materials that can help the body to fight as detailed above?

Wait for the Gano screen to lift 
in the next blog.

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