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Birbal Cat

In one of the seminars some friends asked me, “Sir, however much we tell the benefits of MLM business; our own lifestyle change in terms of health (particularly in DXN) and economic well being, some people still cast some doubts about this business model. What to do with this type of people?” 

I think even you may have come across similar situation. I told them that in such times rather than giving big lectures on the virtues of MLM business, you can enter into their minds easily with stories. 

Why stories?

Because, for example if you want to light a matchstick, mere rubbing will not light it; you have to strike it. Then only it will light. 
Similarly stories are like striking. If appropriately said it will penetrate into the listener’s mind and make him to think about what you are saying. There are innumerable stories. I will tell one now and another later (wait for Blog 15). Are you ready to listen? 


Birbal was an intelligent minister and court jester in Akbar’s kingdom. One day in a freak discussion Birbal said, ‘Cat will not drink milk’. On hearing this everyone including the King was astonished. The King said, ‘Birbal don’t fool us. While the favorite food of the cat is milk how dare you say that he will not drink milk. You have to prove your statement or otherwise be ready to face punishment’. Birbal took the call.

The King went on tour. Birbal started his experiment. He caught hold of a cat and offered milk after boiling it thoroughly. The moment the cat put its tongue into the milk it couldn’t stand the heat of it and immediately ran away. The next and the next few days he did the same. After 5 days he offered cold milk. At the sight of the milk itself the cat ran away. This continued for a few days. As soon as the King arrived he called Birbal and others and asked him to prove his statement that cat will not drink milk.  

The King ordered for the milk. Birbal brought his cat. As soon as milk was brought nearer to him the kitten ran off. The King and others were flabbergasted. Next the King asked to do the experiment again. Milk was brought and Birbal brought his cat. Alas! At the sight of the milk the cat took to heels. The King was cutting a sorry figure. Seeing the discomfiture of the King and others Birbal started saying.

Milk is Yours but the cat is Mine 

Mr. King every time you brought your own milk, I was bringing my own cat. None of you asked to change the cat. My cat was a trained one. He burnt his tongue drinking the hottest milk a few times before. That’s why the moment he saw even the cold milk he thought wrongly that it was hot milk. His mind had become conditioned to see all milk as hot because of his previous bad experience.

Birbal Cat Mentality 

There are many people with the same Birbal Cat Mentality. It may be true they have lost money in dubious MLM companies. Many people on their recommendation may also have lost money. 
Therefore they tend to brand every company like that. Like a color blind person they put all companies in the same color mode and see them without any change. It’s up to us to bring home the point that all companies are not the same like Birbal did. How to do it?

Stories are clutch 

That’s when stories help us like a clutch. But if you tend to use only clutch all the time you may not be able to walk by yourself. Similarly tell stories to the extent of their penetration into the prospect’s mind. Then dwell on your main point.   

Say with confidence whatever you want to say. 

Be convincing in your presentation (how to make effective presentation – await future blogs). 

Stuff your presentation with knowledge; not hollow materials.

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Role of “3 R”s


1. How success comes?
2. To whom success comes?
3. How to get that elusive thing called “SUCCESS”? 
4. What should we do to get that success?

These were questions posed to me in a seminar. Now everything follows certain rules. Success is no exception. To understand rules we can take assistance from stories. Are you ready to listen?

The Greatest warrior in Mahabharata

The greatest among many warriors in Mahabharata was Karan. He had no parallel. Even Arjun could not match Karan’s prowess. However in the war it was Arjun who defeated Karan. 

What went wrong when Karan 
was face to face with Arjun?

Why a great warrior like him could not win?

These are the questions you have to ask in real time business situations. However intelligent you may be at the end of the interview the prospect does not sign, like the great Karan could not win against Arjun. Why? Answer is hidden in “3 R”s. Let’s see!

Face to Face with Customers

Before you are face to face (enemy in case of battle) with a customer you have to improve your competencies. This can be listed as, 
1. Knowledge 
2. Sizing up the customer’s needs & wants 
3. Delivery (Presentation) to his satisfaction

From where do you get these things? Of course from 
a. Reading 
b. Experiences – Acquired and Your Own 
c. Practice

Now you are in possession of all these; but still you fail when you are face to face with the customer. Why & what is the solution?

Role of “3 R”s in Face to Face with Customers

It’s not just sufficient if you read. Reading improves your knowledge library; but it’s a library without any order and strewn over. It’s not enough in front of a customer. It’s a process that wins in Face to Face situations. Let us see. 

Whatever you Read has to be Registered and Recalled exactly matching to the Needs & Wants of the Customer. Unless you Recall and give split second answers the customer will never ever make a buying decision. This is very important for all those in business; because you meet your customers day in and day out. Your maximum time of a day is spent with customers and you have to win every customer and the same customer for different products. 
How to master the “3 R”s?  


Karan lost the war because he could not Recall the War Formula 
Let’s Practice and Practice to Recall the Registered Business Formula for Success 
Success falls on the lap of those who master the “3 R”s

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Some of my team members were having a get together recently. Among various topics that were under discussion, MLM companies also figured. They were sharing their experiences in the market place.

Vital Motivators in M L M Business

Uniformly everyone agreed that, 

a. Product Quality
b. Income Opportunity

These are the two vital motivators in this business. As far as DXN products are concerned there is absolutely no doubt about the efficacy and quality. However compared to some companies, earning money is not that very easy in DXN. It takes some time to see a substantial income in DXN. That makes people apply breaks in promotion and look for other opportunities. They were very frank. I responded to them, “If you look for immediate gratification it will not happen and should not happen too. You must build a strong base. 
Once the base is strong you can derive sustained income. Anything that comes fast will also end fast. 

Are you interested to listen to a story”? They welcomed in chorus.

Bull & Bird

One day a bull was grazing the field. On top of it a bird was sitting and nit picking. 
As the bull was passing by tall trees the bird grew sad thinking it was not able to fly to the top of the beautiful trees and started lamenting. On hearing the sob of the bird the bull gave an idea. It said to the bird, “My dear friend I understand your sadness. If you really want to fly and sit at the top of the branches of the tree, you need to simply eat my shit every day. That’s all. You will reach the top of the tree in 10 days flat”. The idiot bird got enthused. “Is that such simple? Ok today itself I will start that”. Saying so in the evening the bird ate a little of the bull’s…….. 
Next day morning when they met again it ate a little more. By the same evening the bird got so much of energy and it could fly to a branch of the tree. Unable to believe its success, it flew further up and sat at the top of the tree and was smiling at the bull happily saying “what a great bull you are!” From a distance a farmer saw the bird and shot it with his gun and you know what would have happened to the bird.
Moral of the story is 


Believe in the Process; not on fancy words

Many people are like this bird. Whatever they hear from whomsoever, they do not use their Analytical Brain. Rather their Gut Brain dominates with beautiful butterflies flying in their fanciful colors and the Heart Brain bubbles with Emotion (Blog Post 8 : Three Brain Activity) they start living in their utopian dreams and ultimately they lose even what they have in their hands like the bird which instead of training itself to fly (competency to fly), ate the shit to fly and lost its precious life.

1. MLM Business is like any other business. It requires a gestation time to achieve a complete shape. You have to be patient. Rather than attempting shortcut methods, understand the nitty-gritty of the whole process and proceed systematically in implementing
2. Spend some time everyday to improve your business competencies 
3. Practice what you have learned continuously 
4. Believe in the essential 3 Rs (read my next blog for this)

The team responded positively on the lesson learned.

I’m pretty sure, 
If you run through the mill your output will be
An excellent material with safety

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Last Sunday I was in a friend’s house. He knew about DXN but was not a member yet. A team member came to know where I was and rushed in with all the excitement, happiness and glow in his face. He told me, “Sir, I just wanted to see you. I’m very happy to tell you that I bought a new Volkswagen car. I want you to please take a ride on that. Sir this is my second prized possession after my apartment which I bought last year. I’m really thrilled. Everyone in my home is excited”. 

After he was gone my friend asked me, “What Rathnam, this guy is making a big scene for buying a car and a house. These are very common things. Why on earth is he making a fuss about all this? I cannot understand his behavior”. I told him the time has come for him to listen to a story. Are you ready?

The Excited Son

A 60 year old father was travelling with his 25 year old son in a train. As the train was moving at high speed, the son got excited and said to his father, “Daddy how great this is! Along with the train even trees and clouds are moving in equal speed. On hearing this a couple sitting opposite got puzzled. Why is a 25 year old boy talking like a 5 year old kid! Again the boy said to his father, “Daddy how beautiful are these flowers; my God how tall are these trees and their green leaves are just a treat to watch”. The couple got shocked; but preferred to keep quite. Then came the climax. It started raining. The boy went crazy. He said, “Daddy see how nicely water is pouring from the sky. 
A few drops fell on my hand also. Amazing it is”.

Now the couple pitied both the father and the son. They said to the father of the boy, “Sir, it looks that your boy has not grown mentally to his age. Are you giving any treatment to him? The father smilingly replied, “Thank you for your interest in my son. He is perfectly alright mentally and quite intelligent as well. Only yesterday, after an operation he got his sight. Till yesterday he only heard people talking about the train, trees and clouds moving along with the train, the beauty of the tress and its flowers and the greenery on the road side. This is the first time he is seeing the rain. Earlier all these were only hearsay. Today he can see all these by himself. That’s the reason for his excitement. I, as his father, am also partaking in his enjoyment. You also join in the excitement”. The couple got stunned!

Owning Excitement

My team member only heard in meetings someone saying, ‘I got a car’, and some other said ‘I got a nice apartment’. All these were only in his dreams. But slowly those dreams grew as desire. He worked his way relentlessly and systematically. Today he owns all these by himself. That’s why the excitement. You also join in the happiness. 

We in MLM business create a vision for wealthiness in individuals. In addition in DXN we also create healthiness totally different when compared to any other MLM company. 

My friend was completely taken aback seeing such real camaraderie. He decided to take a membership. 

Enjoy without Pride 

Back home after a successful unexpected membership, I called my excited team member and gave him a piece of thought. 

My dear friend, “I’m really happy about your achievement. This is the result of your hard, smart & systematic work. Enjoy every bit of your efforts. DXN has much more to give you. The Sky is the limit. However high you may go, be balanced. Never allow Pride to take over your achievements. You may reach big levels and earn huge money; but if Pride goes into your head, the shaky head will lose control over the 
tongue and you will lose respect. Being humble in the presence of great achievements is a virtue.  

I give you an example of one of the tallest (really tall) and most respected persons in Northern India in DXN, Mr. K. K. Agarwal. 
Mr. K.K. Agarwal
He sent me an SMS on achieving EDD position like this, ‘Respected Sir, only due to your blessings & education given I could reach the step of EDD. Please keep the shower of blessings always on me’. Mr. K. K. Agarwal has been running a big business for over 22 years and is a rich man himself even before joining DXN. Yet he is very simple and humble. He has taken DXN as a mission to help people. We should emulate real leaders like him”. He & I enjoyed our success that day.


Let’s swell in our Enjoyment 

without swelling (Pride) in our Head

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Image: Lisa McDonald /
Image: Salvatore Vuono /
Image: Arvind Balaraman /

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Issue and You

In business there are always two things that stand apart without any parallel.

They are ISSUE & YOU 

Without an ISSUE there is no business. The one who should tackle the issue is YOU. They are intertwined. One can never function without the other. They are like two wheels of a vehicle. 
Accidents happen because the driver is concentrating on him (YOU) and not on the road (ISSUE). This exactly happens in business. Many people who complain MLM business does not give money are the ones, who do not, 

A) Do what the system asks them to do (ISSUE) 

B) They are in such hurry for the fastest financial reward (YOU) 

In the process they fall, they fail and then blame the system rather than themselves. Interested in a story?


A traveler was moving in the country side in his nice cart drawn by his choicest horse from his staple. On the way he called a village man on the road and asked him as to how long will it take to reach his destination from that place? The villager said, “If you go slowly you will reach fast. But if you go fast you will reach late”. The traveler got amazed at this. He said, “Are you mad. How will I reach late if I go fast and reach fast when I go slowly? Go and check your brain”. 

He continued his journey. The horse was powerful he drove fast eager to reach his (YOU) destination unmindful of the road ahead. A few miles later the road had lots of potholes, muddy, slippery and very bad. Still he drove the horse hard, because he (YOU) wanted to reach fast. Alas the horse hit a big stone and fell and the cart was thrown away together with him. He got his hand fractured. Immediately he started blaming the road, the horse and his bad time. By then arrived the villager. He smilingly said to him, “Did I not tell you to go slowly and you will reach the destination fast. Now you went very fast and naturally in this condition you only will reach late if at all”. 

It is the same story with MLM business. Yes! Money is important and that is big in this business. But to achieve that one should not be in a hurry. One can’t become a millionaire overnight. But one day YOU will become a millionaire in the MLM business. No doubt about this.

Concentrate on the ISSUE in front of YOU. What are they?

  1. Product Knowledge
  2. Business Knowledge
  3. Recruitment Technique
  4. Placement Technique
  5. Presentation Technique
  6. Behavior Technique

And so on…….

While ‘YOU’ is Money & Reward, the ISSUE is the Route to reach Money & Reward. Never put ‘YOU’ in front of the cart. Place ‘ISSUE’ in front of the cart. ISSUE is nothing but the nutrition. If you give good nutrition and keep a balanced mind the horse will certainly reach ‘YOU’ (Money & Reward) to the destination. 

It’s no use regretting later after putting ‘YOU’ in front and ‘ISSUE’ in the rear and when the cart falls blame your sponsor and the system.



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Image: chrisroll /

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