A few days ago one of my team members referred a person to me. He had some health related issues. I briefed him about the products. Having been satisfied he decided to purchase some products.
He then queried, “Dr, I understand that these products are not available in regular shops, but can be got from designated stockist and I can also refer to many people. If they also buy I may get some commission from the company. If more number of people buy in my link I may get more money. Is that right?” I said, ‘Partly yes’. He immediately jumped on me.
He said, “Then it’s simply a money chain business. My own sister lost lots of money in this people catching game. Even her relationship inside the family got ruined because of this chain business. I think yours is also one like that. I’m no more interested. Thanks.” I listened patiently; did not interfere at all; allowed him to vent all his pent up feelings. When his steam was over, I started.
He said, “Then it’s simply a money chain business. My own sister lost lots of money in this people catching game. Even her relationship inside the family got ruined because of this chain business. I think yours is also one like that. I’m no more interested. Thanks.” I listened patiently; did not interfere at all; allowed him to vent all his pent up feelings. When his steam was over, I started.
Sir, thanks for being fully frank. I understand your feelings. This comes out of what you have heard and seen in your own family. However a few questions to you.
1) How would you feel if you are paid back by the company of the products you bought?
2) Will you recommend a good movie or a restaurant to a friend or relative?
3) Do you know what MLM business is all about?
4) Do you have hands on experience in a MLM business?
He answered thus, “Obviously I will be happy if I’m paid back. Because these days cost of everything is skyrocketing. I will certainly recommend a good movie or a restaurant. I only know MLM business is money chain and people lose money. I don’t have any personal experience.” Then I started.
MLM by default means it’s a business model that works in multi layers rather than a singular level. Singular level is conventional business. Therefore income earned is as per your own talent and time. However in a multi layer business model income is derived from every ones’ talent and time from every level. Therefore if you want more income you need to improvise the talent and time of every one in all layers. This is possible only if there is TEAM SPIRIT. MLM business thus promotes Team Spirit. There is all round satisfaction because everyone contributes to his own and others' growth.
Money Chain the wrong tool
Yes, there are unscrupulous elements in any business or in any activity. A good business model can be twisted by some people just to hoodwink and cheat. It is up to us to choose the RIGHT BUSINESS FATHER IN LAW. (Read my previous blog on this : PARKINSON’S LAW & MLM BUSINESS)
Suppose you want to catch a fish would you use a chain? No. Many people use chain to catch fish and ultimately lose both the fish and the chain as after some time some links go off the chain. Then they start blaming that all the money invested to fish has been lost. And they lose confidence on the fish itself and start thinking that they cannot fish at all. It’s not their cup of tea. This is obviously not because of the fish but because they have chosen the wrong tool.
Network the right tool
So if you want to catch fish the right tool is net. If you build a strong net you will get more and strong fish. The fish will remain in the net if you care for servicing the net at regular intervals. Knowledge about networking comes if we have an open mind and understand the business model. A closed mind without proper understanding looks everything as a ghost and blame. A blamer will only lose result oriented opportunities for himself out of ignorance and spread across others to spoil their success as well.
People will press panic buttons using their gut brain (see my next blog on different brains we have) and come to wrong conclusion that this is chain business and so on. Pessimism comes out of ignorance and will ruin. Optimism comes out of clarity and will save.
Look at the chart below :

Look at the chart below :
I told my friend that there is still more to learn about MLM business. Read my blogs regularly. For today this is sufficient. If what I have spoken to you makes sense then please join my team and do networking. Being in your place you can do worldwide business. You will not be alone in that process of making yourself wealthy but we all will help you achieve your dream.
My friend having got clarity on Chain and Network joined under his sponsor, of course in my team. I’m sure I will also derive some income from his growth. I got satisfaction that a person’s ignorance on the great 20th century’s business model has been cleared.
Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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