“Sir, in the previous blog you wrote that Motivation does not get results. Now you are totally reversing saying motivation is required. It’s confusing”.
Read ahead.
Read ahead.
For a family to run, a certain determinant is essential. That’s known as “E G F”. That’s Economic Growth Factor. The economy, well being, standard of living and financial strength of a family is dependent on 5 income patterns.
People in the first two segments are mostly employees or self employed professionals like doctors, lawyers, auditors etc. The ones in the next two segments are people who are in business.
Income & T T E
Any income is generated because of one’s T T E - Time he allocates, Talent he possesses and Efforts he employs. While an individual has limitations of his T T E, a businessman derives T T E of all employees. An individual how so ever talented he may be will retire one day from his job and concurrently his income also will slide. A businessman, because he harnesses the T T E of others can earn faster than his individual employees. Even after a bunch of employees retire also his income never comes down as a new set of employees take over and they come with new talents. Sustained income is a major benefit for a businessman.
Motivation is Result Related
If you look at an employee or a businessman, all of them are running towards a certain result. As soon as the targeted result has been achieved, a new stimulus is required to get fresh motivation. In the absence of fresh stimuli, motivation fuses. As people’s motivation fuses, the motivator also fuses. That’s why Motivation is a double edged sword. It can hit both the Motivator and the Motivated.
The reason why Motivation loses its elasticity is it's Result Related. Any activity that is Result Related will lose its potency as soon as the result has been achieved. Hence in business Motivation may give results, but that will not sustain for long.
Motivation & E G F
Having said all the above, to achieve E G F for a family, be he an employee or self employed or a businessman, motivation is necessary as it is result related. A motivated person will certainly achieve some results and that will bring economic benefits to the family.
Perennial Income (non drying income)

I know what you are asking….
What is that which will change the outlook of activity?
You need to wait for
Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: nokhoog_buchachon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: farconville / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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