to EUROPE – 2
With a view to holding aloft the DXN flag in Europe, a careful plan was crafted by the International Marketing Director, Mr. Jijith. As a participant in the plan, along with him I landed in Vienna on 31st May 2012 on the way to Bratislava the capital of Slovakia.
East European countries and a few in the western part like Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain have all formed a union called European Union and have a common currency called EURO. There are of course some countries, they are in the union but opted to have their own currency like Hungary. For decades these countries were in State Controlled economy behind the Iron Curtain and in a union called Comintern. No private enterprise; no freedom of speech and business; everything under government control. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall, freedom to do business and own properties and private enterprise started flowing.
They are still in transition form. But this gives tremendous opportunity for MLM Business, more so for DXN, as its model is ONE WORLD ONE MARKET and products wellness related. One can earn and recruit cutting across boundaries of Independent States. I brought out all these in my presentations.
Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia has plenty of castles, some built even 900 years ago. Superbly positioned on two sides of the Danube River which runs across Europe, it's a city of castles.
The first office of DXN in Europe was opened in Bratislava. Daxen Slovakia S.R.C. locatedin # 1, Victori Nova, is a cute, all in one office, with sufficient space for storage, meetings, office etc. It provides an excellent ambiance and positive vibration for distributors and the staff alike to do business in an atmosphere of peace and happiness.
We conducted 2 meetings here, one for all distributors and the other for local leaders. A brainstorming session conducted revealed that they wanted to get full information on products and later on promotion. I had conducted a powerpoint presentation on Ganotherapy and offered practical guide for promotion.
Leaders from Czech Republic also attended the sessions. Every country translation into their own language is needed throughout Europe.
Our next destination was Hungary.
The river DANUBE,the international river of Europe, What I read in VII Standard Geography Text book unfolded again in front of my eyes thro Dr R S Rathnam's Blog and I was amazed to learn that my friend DR Rathnam is using the same two magical words, 'nikaltha' & ' roktha' in European languages too. HATS OFF TO DXN! I SALUTE DR RATHNAM FOR holding the DXN Flag Sky High in Europe also. Ganesh S&T,CHENNAI, DXN INDIA
Dear Dr. Rathnam, thank you very much. Meeting was inspired and nice meet with you. Have a nice day, Zuzana Londinova :-)
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