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We have learnt that the raw material required for making the 3T Machine is just a “cell”. Now we will proceed to see parts of the:

2 Parts
As you know that this world is made of “duality”, body parts are also made of dual nature. It has hardware and software. The hardware is known as Structures or Organs and the software that runs these organs is known as Functions or System. 
It’s like your bike or car. They are also made of parts and for the parts to work there are functions. These parts are however made of different materials. So for the automobile to work, both parts and functions have to work in coordination. So this is true for our 3T Machine.

Organs Formation
When the raw material cell was conceived, it was single. But it is so designed that this one cell starts replicating in the mother’s womb. Groups of these cells are known as tissuesand groups of these tissues form as organs. These organs are in different shapes, sizes and functions. Since the basic unit is the cell, well-being of the organ or its longevity depends on the health of its cells. 
As is known that any machine has wear and tear, the 3T Machine also has wear and tear. As age increases the wear and tear exerts its effect on the cells and in turn on the organs and natural function of the hardware slows down. This is Part 1.

Organs Function 
Like the bike or car, the 3T Machine hardware (organs) requires materials for function. The function inducing software is known as hormonesand these get activated when there are adequate enzymes”.  
These hormones must be in balance. Imbalance of hormones sets pace for imbalance in the cells and that will affect the designated functions of the cells, in turn tissues and in turn organs. This inadequacy of functions is termed as diseases”. This is Part 2.

Dis function or No function
When there is a dis function, it means cells in the organs are not doing their work and so a corrective action needs to be taken. This corrective action is known as Treatment”. When there is no function of a single organ, nowadays treatment is available to replace certain organs, like kidneys, heart etc. But if there is multiple organs “no function” the 3T Machine will stop working and when this machine is no longer serviceable, it will be moved to a permanent garage from where it will not be retrieved. This is known as Death”.
Cell Health
Now it’s clear that in order for the organs to function well, cells in the organs must function well. Minor dis functions will be there every day, but they should not escalate into major dis orders. Then for a long time cells will be healthy. 

When cells are healthy, 
organs are healthy

When organs are healthy, 
they serve for a long time

When they serve for a long time


Living long is the Highest Desire of 
all Living Beings

(I am simplifying this complex subject with examples as much as possible so that a large number of people can understand in an easy way. Those for whom these are kindergarten material, kindly bear in the interest of many who are new to this subject spread across the world. If you are a trainer you can also use these materials for your sessions).

Expertise of a trainer is to simplify materials and present.

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Unknown said...

A very useful Basic Information in a Simple language with examples

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