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We discussed about the Security Guards of the body. Protection of the body is ensured right from our ‘birth’ inside our mother. Growth of the body and growth of security guards take place simultaneously. As the body matures, security also matures and stand as guard all through our life.

It’s logical to say that as long as the security guards are healthy, that much long the protection power remains healthy. Should at any time the power of security guards take a beating, it will pave the way for thieves (diseases) to enter and cause destruction of the functioning of organs. At that time, you will require ‘treatment’ to dispel diseases. 

Protection of Security Guards

However most of us are happy when diseases are dispelled. Matter doesn’t stop there as many think. Extension of treatment should include simultaneous ‘treatment of security guards’. But there is no medicine that can give such treatment to immune cells. Only nature has an answer to that.

Declining power of protection

We are comparing our body with an automobile for the purpose of understanding. Wear and tear is a natural process of any material. Our body is no exception to that. This means the ability for protection also goes down as age advances.

This is the worst kind of scenario in one’s life. When lifestyle diseases strike at a senior age we start blaming everything and everyone for our
predicament. Many start telling others that ‘this life is no longer required’

Ganoderma & Security Guards 

If we understand and appreciate this in the right stride and take ‘protection action’ through natural products that can ‘power the immune cells’, then, even in one's senior age, one can live healthy without being dependent on others. But for that, action has to be taken right now at a young age. 

The ‘multi-ingredient marvel’ of Ganoderma not only helps in relieving the body of its discomforts, but offer a natural protection to immune cells; help strengthen the ‘macrophagial’ action of cleansing the bodily toxins that cause

Living long and healthy lies
In the health of immune cells 
Daily use of Ganoderma is 
a certain answer for
Longevity of life through cellular protection
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