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The title may baffle you to think when the convocation is for Ganoderma. It was already over some 10000 years ago! That many long years before people started consuming the product.

Utilization of a degree starts after passing out successfully from an examination. Similarly, utilization of a product starts when people found it worthwhile and beneficial after they have consumed it. Therefore the convocation ceremony for Ganoderma was long over. Only thing is we were not there at that time! But it’s time we understand that in the right perspective.

Ganoderma, is it a medicine?
Rather than getting into a big explanation about medicines, the easy way to understand about what medicine is; “that which course corrects an issue is a medicine”. So anything that ensures an effect in the body may be called a medicine. 

Food is thy medicine
For example lack of adequate Vitamin – A will affect eyes. Carrot with plenty of Beta – Carotene supplements Vitamin – A. Carrot in the real sense is a vegetable but acts like a medicine. Greens supplement iron and acting like a medicine relieves anaemia. Tomato supplements Vitamin – C and working like a medicine improves immunity strengthening the inherent immune system.

Ganoderma, with its innumerable biologically active elements, works like a medicine. However medicine has only a short duration utility. Once the intended course correction is achieved, medicines are withdrawn. However it’s imperative that the body must be well equipped with strong immunity to ward off any possible health issue. Therefore we need products that continuously improve the inherent defence mechanism (immunity)  all through our life.  Medicines  can’t  do  it.  Only  a naturally  occurring  product  can.   Amongst  many of these G A N O D E R M A occupies a prime slot.

That’s why the ancient physician of the world Hippocrates said :
“Let food be thy your medicine”

So to conclude,
Is Ganoderma a medicine? 
Is Ganoderma a food?
Is Ganoderma a food supplement?

The real answer is,
G A N O D E R M A 


How is the graduation then

Shall we see after a week?

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