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Thoughts from Nowhere 5 : TOGETHERNESS BUSINESS

The whole universe is made of “duality”. This means pairs. Let us see some examples.

 1 - a coin has two sides

2- there is night & day

3- there is light & darkness


4- there is morning & night

5- there is good & bad

6- there is health & disease

7- there is wealth & poverty

8- there are animate & inanimate things

9- there is RG & GL

10- there is man & woman
Without pairs existence becomes impossible. Growth is possible when there is perfect alignment of pairs.

Growth & Prosperity; Health & Wealth
can be achieved when we resolve to work as pairs.

The perfect pairs in our working is 
Husband & Wife

When this pair resolves to join together in our business it will bring about 

Let us start our
Togetherness Business

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