Tata understood the PERCEIVED NEEDS of the customer. They created a small, fuel efficient but more spaced car, “Indica” and positioned it as “more car per car”. This statement simply conveyed that Indica is a spaced small car, but at the same time was fuel efficient.

Communication Bridge
We have seen earlier, for a business transaction, two people are necessary. One is the seller and the other buyer. In order for the customer to make a buying decision, your product needs to penetrate into his mind and occupy a space.
The route thru which you traverse into his mind is called the Communication Bridge. The bridge must be strong otherwise travelling will be difficult. You may fall down meaning; your Communication has to be
Your communication is all excellent as above. Still, you have not entered his mind. His mind is locked. You need a key to unlock his mind.
10 Sec Openers
Unlocking the key should not take too long a time. It’s like unlocking your door key. You wouldn’t take more than 10 seconds. It’s the same thing here also.
10 Sec Openers are statements that work as keys to open the closed MIND of the customer.
These are statements that exactly reflect what the customer has been waiting for or he is seeing as a new opportunity or he is uncovering as a new utility or he starts perceiving as a new experience. The moment the statement is made, his MIND instantly opens up.
Immediately, without waste of time, detouring and unnecessary talk, straight give product info and reinforce with benefits.
Help the customer to make decision by closing techniques and wrap up the interview. This is the process.
How to prepare 10 Sec Openers
10 Sec opener statements are derived from two parts of any product, i.e. FEATURES & BENEFITS. It should reflect either one of them or both of them and linked to the Customers Benefit.

Let us see some 10 Sec Openers for our products
For that, you have to await
Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: aopsan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: zirconicusso / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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