1. How success comes?
2. To whom success comes?
3. How to get that elusive thing called “SUCCESS”?
4. What should we do to get that success?
These were questions posed to me in a seminar. Now everything follows certain rules. Success is no exception. To understand rules we can take assistance from stories. Are you ready to listen?
The Greatest warrior in Mahabharata
The greatest among many warriors in Mahabharata was Karan. He had no parallel. Even Arjun could not match Karan’s prowess. However in the war it was Arjun who defeated Karan.
What went wrong when Karan
was face to face with Arjun?
Why a great warrior like him could not win?
These are the questions you have to ask in real time business situations. However intelligent you may be at the end of the interview the prospect does not sign, like the great Karan could not win against Arjun. Why? Answer is hidden in “3 R”s. Let’s see!
Face to Face with Customers
Before you are face to face (enemy in case of battle) with a customer you have to improve your competencies. This can be listed as,
1. Knowledge
2. Sizing up the customer’s needs & wants
3. Delivery (Presentation) to his satisfaction
From where do you get these things? Of course from
a. Reading
b. Experiences – Acquired and Your Own
c. Practice
Now you are in possession of all these; but still you fail when you are face to face with the customer. Why & what is the solution?
Role of “3 R”s in Face to Face with Customers
It’s not just sufficient if you read. Reading improves your knowledge library; but it’s a library without any order and strewn over. It’s not enough in front of a customer. It’s a process that wins in Face to Face situations. Let us see.
Whatever you Read has to be Registered and Recalled exactly matching to the Needs & Wants of the Customer. Unless you Recall and give split second answers the customer will never ever make a buying decision. This is very important for all those in business; because you meet your customers day in and day out. Your maximum time of a day is spent with customers and you have to win every customer and the same customer for different products.
How to master the “3 R”s?
Karan lost the war because he could not Recall the War Formula
Let’s Practice and Practice to Recall the Registered Business Formula for Success
Success falls on the lap of those who master the “3 R”s
Image: nuttakit /
Image: renjith krishnan /
Image: jscreationzs /
Image: Ambro /
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