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Darkness is Comfort


When I made this statement during a Training Programme, many were astonished. “Sir, by slip of tongue you may have said like this.” 
I said, “No friends, I was conscious in making the statement.”

Darkness is Comfort

Even at birth darkness was comfort. For months on end the child was most comfortable inside the mother. But the moment he is out of the mother’s dark confines he starts crying on seeing the light, unable to see the light. 

Knowing full well that for his whole future this one asset will help him to improve his life – i.e. Knowledge – the child cries when going to school first time, unwilling to leave the loving laps of his mother.

He knows very well that University degree is an immense advantage in the job market, he shivers sitting in the examination hall. 

However much he loved the girl, coming to propose to her for marriage he finds difficult to get words.

He is very happy when he learns that his health will be in its pink if he consumes Ganoderma every day. But the lurking doubt about the effectiveness of the product prevents him to try.

He hit the roof when he saw his neighborhood friend earning thousands in the MLM Business. But he goes behind a famous Dream Stealer (read Blog 24 : Beware of Thieves) without understanding.

He has become a Star Agent and Star Ruby with hundreds of people in his team. He knows that they expect him to lead them with knowledge and leadership qualities. But still he is dependent on his senior. 

He sees in every meeting someone comes and gives a lecture. But never once has he taken the platform with confidence.

There is no difference between the child who cries at the time of delivery and himself when asked to take the platform. 

All these are comfort zones of the darkness.

Remove the shackles 

People are happy where they are and any slight change is welcome only with resentment. Everyone knows that they have to have good health; they don’t want to contract any diseases at any time of their lives; they want to enjoy all the fruits of their activities; they want to lead a wealthy life; they want to leave behind a wealthy legacy for their generations. All these are possible only if they remove the shackles of darkness. How to remove the Darkness Shackles?

Light is not Fearful 

The very first thing to understand is Light is not fearful. It requires sheer boldness. If you want to be an excellent swimmer any amount of theoretical knowledge about swimming is useless unless you jump into the water first. Jumping into the water is seeing light. 

If you want to be an effective speaker, first of all mentally you should decide to be a speaker. Boldly jump on the platform. Remember Winston Churchill the world’s greatest orator was absolutely fearful about speaking on a platform until he boldly spoke at the Hyde Park in London (DXN took us to Hyde Park London thru ITSI). Preparedness is the prerequisite to being a speaker.

Why you need to be an effective speaker? 

One of the prime requisites for being successful in the MLM Business is the ability to get across your ideas to the prospect in a manner that convinces him. Your ability to lead a successful team requires that you are a powerful speaker. It requires training. That’s all.

Darkness never gives you comfort. 
It’s only
Light that will lead you to the Success Destination

We will start from the next blog aspects of Training & Speaking Skills

Image: gameanna /
Image: David Castillo Dominici /
Image: renjith krishnan /
Image: Sujin Jetkasettakorn /

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