Training is Transferring the Power of Performance.
Many think that it’s done in the market, or in the office, or on the battlefield; none of it. Of course you have to show performance in the place where you have chosen your duty; marketer in the market, staff in the office, lawyer in the court, an auditor in accounts, pilot in the airplane, a musician in the hall or an army man in the battle.

Alexander the Great
In his quest for conquering the world, Alexander was going everywhere to install his flag. In one of the ensuing battles, he was in a strategic meeting the previous night along with his generals.
After discussing with them the Plan of Action (POA) he gave necessary orders.
One of the generals asked him,
“Emperor, when we will achieve success against the enemy?”
Alexander said,
“In 3 days and 2 hours”
“In 3 days and 2 hours”
This perplexed the generals. They said in chorus,
“Emperor it’s alright 3 days; but how is it that it’s precise 3 days & 2 hours?”
“Emperor it’s alright 3 days; but how is it that it’s precise 3 days & 2 hours?”
Alexander said
“That’s because I have already won the battle in my mind within 3 days and 2 hours”
“That’s because I have already won the battle in my mind within 3 days and 2 hours”
That’s why Alexander is called as THE GREAT.
If you want to be successful in the MLM business or in any business, first of all you must conduct a Strategic Meeting with your mind.
If you want to be successful in the MLM business or in any business, first of all you must conduct a Strategic Meeting with your mind.
2) Never vacillate after
3) Sow Seeds of Success
4) Fertilize them with confidence boost
5) Create a POA
6) Take assistance from any resource
7) Choose your Target Audience
8) Execute your P O A with perfection
9) Have an unwavering mind in the face of obstacles
Training is Transferring the Power of Performance. Such transferring can be either by self or a resource like a book, a trainer, or observation or a blog and so on. Performance is the result of the execution of your skill.
Where there is unparalleled skill coupled with clarity of purpose and confident mind success will follow you as a goat behind a shepherd.
Where there is unparalleled skill coupled with clarity of purpose and confident mind success will follow you as a goat behind a shepherd.
In the ensuing blogs we are going to discuss ways and means of empowering ourselves with required skills to be successful in the MLM Business. Image: digitalart /
Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot /
Image: nongpimmy /
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