Your unbound enthusiasm drives you to go about recruiting immediately at least some 5 people and start earning a handsome amount in the MLM business. Alas! When you went about venturing into the market you found that it’s not that simple to earn a million.
A wealthy man was passing through a village. Suddenly his car got into some trouble and stopped. He tried his best to start, but couldn’t do anything. A villager was passing by in his bullock cart.

Coming back home, being a very wealthy person he decided to gift an airplane to the villager and sent him one. Being a villager he assumed the airplane as a bigger bullock cart! Since it did not move by itself he towed and went about his village showing to everyone his new bullock cart. A few days later he sat on the pilot seat and pressed some button. Immediately the airplane started moving. Excited, the villager went round in his ‘airplane bullock cart’ showing to everyone the new found cart. On a particular day while he was driving his ‘airplane bullock cart’ he accidentally pressed the joystick.

Once on the street, now he is in the sky.
MLM Business is like an airplane
One can make millions in the MLM Business. It’s like an airplane gift for a person who has not owned even a two wheeler yet. He is like our bullock cart villager. If you give him an airplane, what will he do with that? At least our villager friend had used it for some time in different modes and by accident he went up. But there is a possibility, that if he doesn’t know how to safely land, it will be a life risk.
This is exactly what is happening to the MLM Business. Many people who do not know the nitty-gritty of the business, who do not know the right company to choose, lose heavily and say that the MLM system itself is bad. It’s not entirely their fault. They accidentally earn some money in the beginning but crash land after a few months.
Our responsibility
In our own interest, in order that the prospects we recruited do not crash land, first we must educate ourselves and then start educating others. We need to know the product and its profile thoroughly. We have to empower ourselves to make presentations. Mere making members under you will add up to numbers only, but it will never bring income to you. Experience yourself the power of performance. Experience is the Master Convincer.
Training is “Transferring the Power of Performance”. If your prospect has to perform, first you must train yourself and then transfer that power of yours to him.
My blog is a small contribution towards
Transferring the Power of Performance to you
To be a successful MLM Business person
Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: jannoon028 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A right message at this moment. Experience is the Master Convincer. Now many distributors have a soaring thought about the new recruitment policy bcos all these days they recommend products to others but self consumption ? ? ? Thanks for giving this right message
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