Market comprises of many elements and all of them offer business opportunities. We in DXN are in the health care business. Health business is a broadband market and has a high bandwidth. It comprises of 2 components.
Products for Health Consideration
This targets those whose health has been impaired. This may include various diseases like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis and so on. These require medical treatment of varying treatment modes like oral medicines, injections, inhalers and surgery depending upon the condition.
Medicines given to the body treat the impaired conditions only. They don’t treat the body per se, because treating the body is different from treating the condition of the body.
Hence products in this category are limited to certain people only, i.e. those who NEED THEM. Therefore these products don’t have a LARGER REACH.
Products for Healthy Consideration
This targets all who have a functioning body meaning all people. Who doesn’t want a healthy, mobile, disease free body? Even a diseased person wants to recover from unhealthiness and lead a healthy life.
He wants to either discard all medicines or at least reduce the quantity of medicines. After illness has been treated successfully even physicians ask patients to take healthy food, change their lifestyle, do exercises and so on. This is treating body. And Body to be healthy, disease free, sans medicines.Hence products in this category have LARGER REACH.
Where is the Market?
Therefore for the question where is the market, now we understand that EVERY PERSON IS A MARKET. Since everyone, from a child to elder, wants to be healthy, any product that caters to this category will find huge opportunity for growth.
The hitch
The only hitch to market products in this category is the MINDSET OF PEOPLE. When they are healthy, the last thing they think about is their body.
They may buy a car worth millions, but think ten times to spend even a few thousands for BEING HEALTHY. This is because TO REMAIN ALWAYS HEALTHY is the last and least priority of people. However, a large market lies there.
Auto Convincing
Any change in perception has to come from within. Unless the person’s own mind says to do something he will not willingly do anything (he may do out of compulsion) and least of all about consuming HEALTH GIVING PRODUCTS. If you do hard sell to convince him, he may even harbor doubt that you are trying to push him for some gains. And he will never ever come near you.
Strategy for Auto Convincing
The only way is, the WAY YOU ENTER INTO HIS MIND. Presentation strategy has to be so designed to enter into his mind. First you should enter and then only the product should enter. If it is reversed, it will not serve for Auto Suggestion and later for Auto Convincing, but for suggesting only. Any suggestion is rejected most of the time.
In the coming blogs we shall see
Presentation strategies for
Auto Convincing
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