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In any business, marketing is the wheel that takes products to the consumer. 
Therefore the wheel has to be strong; 
should have smooth drive (satisfy customers’ needs & wants); 
should withstand the pressures of the road (customers’ objections & doubts); 
should not get punctured on the way (by competitors’ strategies); 
even if it gets punctured should get repaired fast (respond fast to competitor onslaughts) and move on to the desired destination. 
For the wheels to move in a proper direction the driver must be efficient. If he steers the wheels the right way it will take him to the right destination. If not there will only be disaster.

Product Promo – Conventional Business

For the driver to be effective, in the beginning wheels are not given to him. 
First and foremost he understands the vehicle (product & its user benefits); 
the target group to whom it is addressed to get results (destination); 
understand the needs & wants of the consumer;
conversion strategies of WANTS into NEEDS 
(a separate blog will be there in future regarding this. Keep watching & reading); 
he reads, practices, undergoes mock drill; 
he accompanies the senior to observe on the job performance. After all this he is given small wheels to perform himself. His performance is monitored, corrected wherever faults are observed and then he is given freewheeling. He comes and sits simply as a learner and observer in promo meetings. Later on when he masters the techniques he takes class and starts training others. 
Hence the same message percolates in the market. There is uniformity in promotion. Assessments and correction is taken then and there. This is thoroughly followed in any professional organization. Some genius produces products. But the person who translates them into positive results is the guy in the market place. Even an excellent product can be perfectly murdered by inefficient promotion and the promoter. Therefore the Promo Structuring is given valuable importance in conventional business model.

Product Promo – MLM Business

In this business model promoters are independent distributors. These distributors have no hierarchical command structure. They are at distances. They are drawn from diverse social backgrounds. Their only aim is to make quick money as has been told by someone, who says,

1) You just become a member; put one or more on left and right side. You don’t have to do anything. The system will take over everything. You simply make money. 
2) You recruit as many people as possible. Even if you don’t work someone under you will work and you can make money.
3) You simply keep improving your position by buying products. People under you will anyway work for themselves and you can make spillover income. Your economic life is secured.

There are many number of inducements made by people and the gullible one believes all these stories and ultimately loses not only his money, all those whom he has recruited also lose their money. And together they start blaming the very system itself.

What to do then?

From the time a person joins the team the following is recommended 

a. Continuous product training is a must in every meeting
b. Proper product promotion should supersede marketing promotion 
c. Customer handling training should be a part of training sessions 
d. Proper understanding on income patterns of the system must be drilled 
e. “Quick Buck” strategies should never be encouraged

Friends, follow the 5 above. 

You will blossom as a Professional. 
You will create Professionals. 
All will get Perennial Income.

Image: renjith krishnan /
Image: jscreationzs /
Image: nokhoog_buchachon /

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