In continuation of my Blog 14 : Birbal Cat regarding role of stories in convincing people this is another one.
I never go late for my meetings. I feel that if I go late habitually it looks as if I’m disrespecting all those who have spent their valuable time to come for the meeting. Time is just not precious for me alone; it’s the same for others as well. Moreover when we are either on time or habitually late, we set precedence. Audience also set their timing accordingly. Productive time will be lost when meetings don’t start and end on time. In business we have to realize that time is money. Time is an investment capital. But one day I went a little late for a meeting. The audience was surprised and the conversation went on like this,
Audience: Sir, surprisingly today you are late. Why?
Audi: Sir, there are so many ways to pacify a child. You could have used any of the strategies
Audi: Sir, tell us what the child wanted
Me: First the child wanted milk. When I gave the milk he said, “No; not this milk. I want directly from the cow…!” So I brought a cow and milked a glass and gave him
Me: He drank half glass of milk and told me to put back the balance from where I milked from the cow…!!!
Audi: (Laughing) what did you do, Sir then?
Me: I told my wife, “I’m already late for the meeting. Let the child cry. After some time he will sleep off and forget the episode. I’m going”.
Now I’m here.
Now I’m here.
Story above
There are many people among us who behave like this child. Whatever you tell them about an opportunity, they may appear to be convincing, but at the end they will go back to unreasonable situations. You may have exhausted all strategies to convince them. What to do with such people?
Be Bold to Lose
Like I left the child to continue crying and went ahead with the job at hand, you also ignore them.
After all you tried your best. Never be after such people. It’s a waste of time. Population is never small in this world.
Rather than wasting your precious time on such people who deliberately don’t want to get convinced, you go ahead with those who are ready to do their best for themselves and for others.
Invest your time on them. That will be rewarding for both of you. One day even that child like people may come to you. Even if they don’t, nothing is lost.
After all you tried your best. Never be after such people. It’s a waste of time. Population is never small in this world.
Rather than wasting your precious time on such people who deliberately don’t want to get convinced, you go ahead with those who are ready to do their best for themselves and for others.

While you do the utmost to convince a prospect
When nothing works
Be bold enough to lose such a prospect
Invest on those who want to change themselves
Ignore those who want to put
Ignore those who want to put
their own wheels back
Image: digitalart /
Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot /
Image: photostock /
Image: Damian Brandon /
Rightly said doctor. When there is no demand the value of the product goes off.People always feel it is for the personal benefit things are promoted by oneself and fail to understand the goodness of the message given.
Thanks for the story
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